Monday, 27 September 2010

Media studies- 24/09/10

Attempt 2, my laptop is so against me today, if i don't make it through this blog AND publish it, i may throw it through the window. Fingers crossed. Wouldn't want to explain that one.

So, this lesson we learnt about signs and codes, how things can trigger memories with a simple logo, picture, or word. For example, the golden arch
es makes us see McDonalds, we see past the image to what it stands for.
3 Basic types of sign and code;
-Iconic sign- appear exactly like the thing itself, but always represents more.
-Indexical signs- indirectly suggests what they mean, acting as cue's to existing knowledge. (e.g. Golden arches- McDonalds)
- Symbolic codes- act as signifiers of meaning totally disconnected from what they denote.

I also learnt that in advertising, different people are used to raise appeal for that certain thing, for example, make-up is often advertised by attractive woman to make the buyer think "Wow I could really look like that if I bought this product!?" when really we all know its just photoshop and a hell of alot of botox. Beauty is only skin deep in advertising and you'd be surprised how the model has an effect on the buyers view.

Semiotics- A way of explaining how we make meaning.
Signs- Smallest single unit of meaning.
Denotation- Literal meaning/thing in itself.
Connotation- Suggests another meaning.

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